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Renowned dance company performs at Park Avenue Elementary School

Phyllis Rose Dance Company performing in the auditorium thumbnail264717

Students at Park Avenue Memorial Elementary School in Amityville were recently treated to an amazing performance from the Phyllis Rose Dance Company.

Students gathered in the school’s auditorium to celebrate Black History Month as different performers danced to traditional and modern songs, and they played instruments such as the mbira and the djembe.

For more than 30 years, the Phyllis Rose Dance Company has been committed to arts in education and has been brought dance and movement programs with great verve, energy, excitement, and success to young audiences. The company’s founder, Phyllis Rose, also spoke to students about the company’s history while sharing the significance of Black History Month.

Photo captions:

1-8: Students at Park Avenue Memorial Elementary School in Amityville were recently treated to an amazing performance from the Phyllis Rose Dance Company.

9: Park Avenue Memorial Elementary School Principal Mr. Edward Plaia thanked the Phyllis Rose Dance Company for visiting their school.

10: Students also played games were members of the Phyllis Rose Dance Company.

Click here to view the Renowned dance company performs at Park Avenue Elementary School slideshow.

Photos courtesy of the Amityville Union Free School District